Drawn in the Sand 2002


Spring 2002


A labyrinth was drawn in the sand for a walk
at the edge of the Lake at Rotary Lakeside Park.


Drawn in the Sand 2002 Drawn in the Sand 2002 Drawn in the Sand 2002 Drawn in the Sand 2002 Drawn in the Sand 2002
It was not known at this time that the park
was going to be the final home of the Labyrinth.


JULY 1st 2002


The Labyrinth was again drawn in chalk for Canada Day and walked
to celebrate the manifestation of the Labyrinth to be built.


Expres photo


grass labyrinth


grass labyrinth2




After many meetings and much hard work,
a survey of desired locations was submitted to the City of Nelson.
In June, 2003 the Council returned the verdict,
Nelson Rotary Lakeside Park was the chosen location.


early days


Time for the next step.


Bryan Pat and Board
Bryan Klein and Pat Sommerville and the wood board carving that they created, 2003.
The board was used for fund raising.

click on photo above for more options re: Donors


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